My Goal is to make you feel comfortable, safe and walk away with a body that's better able to handle what you put it through
Spa Services
Steamy Wonder
Steam Therapy
Steamy Wonder: The aim of steam treatment is to raise the body's core temperature, which facilitates detoxification through sweating and enhances the absorption of therapeutic products and herbs through the pores. This treatment is very relaxing and can be done before or after a massage, or you can just do the steam treatment by its self. All you need to do is just pick the herb that will best achieve what you are looking for and lay on the massage table and enjoy, everything else is done for you. This service takes about 20 to 30 minutes
Foot and Hand Treatment
Here is a very relaxing treatment that is great for someone that has never had a massage or someone that does not have time for a full massage. There is no need to disrobe at all for this service, all you need to do is remove your shoes and socks. The treatment starts out with a exfoliation of the feet using your choice of Biotone exfoli-sea salt or Bitone micro-buff body polish. Once the feet are exfoliated they will be covered with Bitone European-Rose body mud which will help to refine and soften the skin and enhance cell renewal. While the rose mud is absorbing into the feet your hands will receive a relaxing and smoothing hand massage with a Hydrating lotion. The last part of the treatment is to remove the rose mud and receive a reflexology foot massage again using the Hydrating lotion. This service last for about 30 to 35 minutes
Exfoli-Sea Salt Glow/ Micro-Buff Body Polish
I use two types of exfoliation, the first is with Bitones Dead-Sea Salt. This is for more weathered skin but also delivers more therapeutic value to the skin because of its high mineral content. The second is Biotones Micro-buff Body Polish which is more gentler for sensitive skin and has a much higher emollient content for moisturizing the skin. Both of these will achieve the desired effect of sloughing the dead skin away from the body. This over-all body scrub stimulates and rejuvenates the skin to remove underlying toxins and nourish the body. This service takes about 15 to 20 minutes
No-Wrap Mud Treatment I only use Biotone Spa Body Muds
Unlike most mud treatments where you would get wrapped up I use the Steamy wonder to heat the body and open the pores to get the full benefit from the mud complex. First the body is exfoliated then the mud is applied followed by the Steamy Wonder steam treatment for about 20 minutes. Then the mud is removed and Biotone hydrating lotion is applied to the skin for a finishing moisture treatment. This service takes about 75 minutes
Biotone Spa Black Baltic Body Mud: This black Baltic mud penetates pores to unleash the effects of its core therapeutic agent - Humic acid- to purify the skin and aid in detoxification, enhances normal cell function and turnover and deeply hydrates. This mud is ideal for both dry and oily skin and imparts freshness, firmness and uniformity to the skin.
Biotone Spa European Rose Body Mud: This rose clay from France blended with emollient ingredients offer both extreme moisturizing and therapeutic drawing- cleansing properties. Its benefits are, refinning and softening the skin, enhanced cell renewal , stimulates protection against uva oxidative stress and extreme hydration. This mud is ideal for dry, delicate, weathered or aged skin. Rich in beta glucan, rosa centifolia and alpha hydroxy lactic acid, its like a facial for your entire body.
Biotone Spa Acti-Sea Body Mud: This is the most effective mud for smoothing, stimulating and detoxifying the skin and body. The unique blend of five seaweeds provides a powerful benefit for those clients seeking to enjoy the therapeutic and rejvenating effects of the sea. Once applied to the skin the pores soak in many sustaning minerals, which work to stimulate the thyroid, promote decongestion and waste elimination to detoxify the body for better skin smoothness, protect and regulate cellulor moisture exchanges, increase osmotic exchanges to support tissue regeneration, rebalance and restore proper hydration and prevent future skin damage by fighting free radicals.